Beautiful skin begins with good circulation and healthy blood and Qi flow. Your face is a road map of energy and emotions, and according to oriental medicine, skin issues are caused by internal organ imbalances that manifest as dark circles under the eyes, pale skin, acne and excessive wrinkles. According to Chinese medicine, Where Qi goes blood flows. In examining meridian flow, all the yang meridians rise up to the head. Because of this meridian connection, the face remains warm on a cold day when the rest of your body requires bundling in a thick coat. Therefore, the face reflects the body?s vital Qi, and the stimulation of the face, via treatment modalities such as acupuncture, tuning forks, micro current and tui-na, affect the meridians. Because the majority of the channels pass through the face it is justly regarded as the seat of emotions and spirit. In addressing emotion and spirit, a sense of self worth can be achieved, along with joy and radiance. Cleansing herbs are used to clear the skin; their properties include diuretics, laxative, anti- inflammatory, antibiotic, and blood and lymph cleansing.
*Can improve collagen production and muscle tone *Reduce bags and sagging tendencies/fills out sunken areas *Eliminate fine lines and diminish larger wrinkles *Reduces double chin, sagging neck and lift drooping mouth and eyelids *Eliminates edema and puffiness, and bags under the eyes *Tightens pores and brightens eyes *Increases local blood and lymph circulation *Improves facial color; provides more radiance to the skin *Reduces stress; promotes total health and well-being *Reduces symptoms of bell?s palsy, TMJ (tempormandibular joint dysfunction) ,neuropathies, and aids stroke
*Improves acne (caused by hormonal imbalance) *Treats menopause, pre menopause, PMS and other GYN issues *Helps sinus congestion and headache *Improves hyper ? and hypothyroidism *Helps headaches (except severe migraine) *Treats diarrhea and constipation (most digestive issues) *Benefits eyes, ears and brain *Retards hair loss and hair graying *Helps insomnia and dizziness *Helps depression and aids self-esteem *Results will last bet 3 to 5 years, depending on life style and maintenance.
When you look better you have a better state of mind.